Setting Boundaries for a Childfree Wedding with Jamie Feinberg - New Episode!
A new series on YouTube and your favorite podcast platform
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Starting today, I’m hosting a series on childfree weddings. These will be shorter video-driven episodes you can enjoy on YouTube as I’m interviewing someone who has a story.
Don’t worry they’re also in your favorite podcast app if you prefer the pure audio experience. But you might also enjoy some of the facial expressions we have during these storytelling videos. Consider it an enhanced experience!
Today’s episode features Jamie’s story about boundaries and minimizing drama. You’ll hear how she and her husband went about that as well as ditching traditions that didn’t serve them as a couple.
Since questioning and ultimately shutting down toxic traditions is what La Vida Más Chévere is all about, I think you’ll enjoy this one.
Key takeaways include:
That setting boundaries during wedding planning can be challenging, but effectively allows couples to avoid unnecessary drama and focus on having an intimate and supportive gathering of loved ones.
How boundary setting spills into all areas of life—not just for wedding planning! Being clear about your desires (like not wanting children), asserting yourself, and letting go of others' expectations is key to living a happier and more fulfilling life overall.
Jamie's example of how her boundaries allowed her to enjoy the vision for her wedding AND allowed for compromise with those problematic family members.
That’s a burrito!🌯🌯🌯
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