Your Inner Cheerleader Can Overcome Imposter Syndrome - New Episode
How to silence your inner critic
We played in a pickleball tournament this weekend, and one of the top players brought her entourage: a full cheering section with signs and everything! It add a fun and festive sparkle to the whole event. Highly recommend!
I also highly recommend you ditch the crappy friend you have inside your head.
Episode Description
If you had a negative friend who always brought down the group hang, you'd eventually stop inviting them out, right? So why do you put up with this dismal friend inside your own head??
Imposter syndrome and its champion, your inner critic, will keep you feeling small, scared, and accomplishing nothing of note. Because what that inner critic wants most for you is to be safe, except it does that through fear. Like the saying goes: a ship in a harbor is safe but that is not what ships are built for.
You're built for way more than what your imposter syndrome allows you to believe. So let's begin dismantling it by creating an inner cheerleader instead. Rewire your brain to support your endeavors without questioning if you're worthy and let's boost your self-confidence so we can deal with...everything else.
How to Listen to Your Inner Cheerleader Can Overcome Imposter Syndrome
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